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Thursday, March 10, 2011

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return."

They say this generation has it easy, or that this generation is the generation of technology. And it's true; anyone around my age has had to teach their parents how to do something with a new phone, or on the computer etc. But we have all dealt with the same things these pass few years, the same hardships.
One of the worst things to ever come out of the internet is cyber-bullying. I had just watched a video by one of my favorite youtube people, Kandee Johnson, about all these rumors, and hate sites dedicated for hating her. And it's so so sad to think that it's people my age (or above or below my age) the one's who know how to use the internet to do such things, that they would sit there and enjoy spreading slander about someone they don't even know. It's disheartening to think that one bad phrase, or one bad picture can lead thousands of people to start talking about what a terrible person you are, or how you're so spoiled, or even that you're stupid for saying that. I'm guilty of thinking someone was an air head for saying something on a youtube video (it was forever ago and i even posted the video with comment about it) and that's not fair. It was one moment in that person's life. Even if she took the video down or edited that out, it would be out there for forever.
I didn't understand the extent to which mean words from an anonymous person could hurt until it happened to me. In high school, we had watched several videos on cyber-bullying and everyone's read the stories in the news about heartless, dark people bullying class mates over the web, and I always got that sick feeling in my stomach, that ache at the back of my throat at the idea that someone would ever think that those words were ever ok to put out there. It was just a comment on that honesty box thing on facebook. I had added that dumb thing when I first joined facebook, and had sporadically gone to look at it or change the "question". It was on a random chance I decided to look at it. My question at the time was "If I were die tomorrow, what would you say to me today?" just a kind of fun question, something I hoped would bring meaningful responses from my friends without them being totally embarrassed for being mushy, or funny or whatever. But this comment...it was just terrible. I thought I would puke at the words written there. They attacked everything about me. They told me that all my friends hated me, that I thought I was funny but just being loud and annoying. They said I would be terminally depressed if I knew how much my friends hated me, that I only thought they liked me. They said that people were just waiting for graduation to get away from, that everyone liked my twin sister better then me and that's why she had had more boyfriends. They just went on and on. I burst into tears. I had always thought of myself as a nice person, I'm not perfect but I had always believed that I put only the best forward. I had even been told I was fake and everyone hated me. I was told that my boyfriend is whipped and he doesn't even really like me and he probably cheats on me (mind you, these are different messages though). I had posted that original comment as my status, which yea may not have been the most genius move on my part, but when I had been torn that far down I didn't know what to do. I needed to know my friends didn't actually believe that.
It's like being nice isn't about just being nice any more, it's just viewed as being a front. And that makes me so sad to think that we can't just be nice any more without having ulterior motives. I like being happy, I like making people happy and making them laugh. I would die for any one of my friends. My boyfriend is the most amazing guy on the planet and I feel lucky even just knowing him. I have been a solid believer that whatever you put out into the universe comes back at you three-fold. So here I am putting out some love for all of you. Here I am putting out love for you to feel, so you can pass it on and just increase the love out there in the world. Ok, that sounds a little selfish, but the more love you have is the more love you have to get. Take this and give someone some love. The internet doesn't have to be a tool of hate and terrible things, but encouragement and love. I don't even care any more who those anonymous people were who wrote those things. If they're happy knowing they made me cry, fine. But I don't have to be happy with that. I can take what I have experienced and make sure no one has to know what that pain feels like. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return." If you can just live like that, even for one moment the world would be so much better!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I am way too uncoordinated

So, yesterday, the boyfriend and I decided to try and brave the crowds at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. We knew there would be crowds, but figured that most of the state of Florida was already back in school, so it wouldn't be too bad. Oh boy was that wrong. There was pretty much the whole world there. IN any given line for a ride, we were surrounded by people speaking different languages. I think I heard 12 people speak english all day, not including the employees. ;)

Other then that, it was actually a really great day. When we went to go to lunch (at the international food and film place) the cashier said this:
"Omg! You guys are so cute! I mean he's so...*gestures to his 6'5-ness* how did that happen?" she was cute and sweet about, like the sight of us totally made her giggle. It made me giggle.

Unfortunately, Harry Potter world had a line just to get into the place. All the stores and the Three Broomsticks, were packed with lines outside of them and the forbidden journey ride was a two hour wait, with the line leading at least 50 feet out of the area into the next. So we just walked through, I mean i have been there before, but I was sad I couldn't keep going. The one ride we wanted to go on, Spiderman, was great up until it broke down while we were on it. The ride combines movement and 3-D screen movement (with like wind, water and vibrations, fire and such) all working to create this experience of traveling through new york while several bad guys are coming after you. So, when the screens went blank but the voice recordings and car still moving, it was totally disorienting. I wasn't sure where exactly it was going, or what was happening, because even at the points the voice recordings stopped but the car kept simulating the story line and moving. It messed up right at my favorite part too. :(

It wasn't until we were on the way home that I realized, my dinosaur charm, Franklin had fallen off my bracelet. He was usually worn as a necklace, but I switched fearing he was going to fall off the chain. Jimmy gave him to me, the day before our one month together almost two years ago. I cried when I realized he was gone. It still breaks my heart to think someone else might have found him. I mean...I went on a couple roller coasters, so even if it hadn't fallen off while we were walking around, it could have flown off while I was zipping around on a roller coaster. So, sadly, Franklin is gone. I will always love him and miss him dearly.

And since I have lost Franklin, I have been totally uncoordinated. After crying the hour or so home, I get home and we're hungry and my dad had some pasta bake on the stove. As I'm trying to scoop some out for Jimmy, I lose my grip and splatted pasta and sauce ont he stove and drop the spoon on the ground. I almost cried again, and Jimmy coaxed me back saying "it's no use crying over spilled pasta sauce." and helped me clean up. Then as we were sitting down eating, I knocked over my cup of water. I almost cried again. And again, Jimmy just comforted me and helped me clean up. Later, I got up to get a mini donut, then on my way back to sit, I whacked my knee on the coffee table. It's someone trying to tell me something about Franklin.
Today, just as I was leaning in to kiss Jimmy, we bonked heads. Then as he went to pick me up, I smashed my knee into the marble kitchen counter. Oh how I miss Franklin and not having both knees bruised.

Monday, January 3, 2011

My Photo A Day

Even though I feel like everyone else, and like everyone else is doing it, I was inspired by my friend Mia's flickr, where she's on around 30 days of her photo a day, and I loved her photos. I'm not sure exactly how this is supposed to go, but I'm doing something more like, taking a photo of my main activity. I always want to do one or two picture for each day. But the photo will represent that day, and then in the caption/description describe my day or the picture. I''m not going to try and be artsy about it; get these photographer's professional shots. It'll be just whatever. hahaha, I'll just aim and shoot. Of course, if it's blurry or there's a shadow or something, but other then that, it's au natural. :) Here are my first three!! enjoy!!

Jan. 1: SHOPPING! The mall was practically dead, when Jimmy and I went. It was nice...but kind of awkward when I was the only person in the store. I got sucked in by a sales associate at Victoria's Secret to sign up for a credit card and buy a $45 bra. Ok so the bra was the nicest bra I've ever worn in my entire life. But I don't have 45 bucks to blow. And don't need a credit card. I walked out of the store, thinking I had avoided the sales lady until I saw her near entrance. oops. I still feel bad. We walked around for a bit. I didn't buy a whole lot, but what I did buy, i love. Including my new loofah!!! Plus I got my first child, Scrump back. :) All in all a super great day! Later that night, we went to his mom's place to have steak and lobster. I love his mom and sister and we had a great time. :)

Jan. 2:
cutness in a fat furry ball. 'Nough said.

Jan. 3: Went to my favorite Goodwill today. And found Vera Bradley, Louis Vouitton, Vera Wang there. Not to mention brands like hollister, abercrombie, american eagle (the nicer mall stores). It's nice to know I can get quality clothes at extremely much lower prices then everyone else did. Mwuahahaha. Went to the mall...again. Was just as dead. Bought a headband, oh yea. Not too bad of a day!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Well, I'm a shitty blogger. ;)

But, it is a new year, so I will try to be better. I actually like the idea of picking up my blog here, in January of 2011. The last three months of my 2010 were super crazy, I had personal drama up the yin yang, school, finals, and just about everything else. Oh driving lessons...woot. But now that I'm on break and things have settled into the most normal my life will ever be, I'm happy to blog once more.

It's weird, it doesn't feel quite like 2011, yet I do get that sense of a whole new beginning. Last night, my little family's party was gathered in the living room watching the ball drop in Time Square (on TV of course) and we were all holding cold, tingling plastic champagne flutes of sparkling apple cider or champagne (I had apple cider...I know it's so daring.)and I just glanced for one second at everyone. It was one of those movie moments, it totally slowed down and I just got to bask in that completely comfortable, rarely truly felt moments of pure bliss. I was happy. I am happy. It's amazing. My life had been wonderful, only to be thrown down that spot only certain human excrements are deemed worthy to travel down and then, just months later, I was basking in the oh so tantalizing happiness. My life is wonderful.

Today I watched one of my favorite youtubers: Kandee Johnson. This women is truly an inspiration to me. She posted a new year's video about letting go of the pain and hurt from 2010, just forgiving all those who made you suffer, so you can be happy. And she is absolutely right. You can't be happy until you let go everything that's hurt you. By hanging on, and hating those who have hurt you, you're still letting them hurt you. And it's hard, it's so hard to forgive someone who's made you cry. It's one of the hardest things in life to do. Yet, the moment you honestly forgive them in your heart, you feel infinitely better. You can really feel their demons lifting from you. Plus it pisses them off when you can just smile and say I forgive you for being awful to me. I never said revenge wasn't an option. ;) But her video just really solidified my belief in letting pain go. Just recently, I found out a friend of mine passed away. I cried for the longest time, just asking God why he would ever do something like that, why take a mother and friend and wife from this world? This woman was so pure hearted with a wonderful, wonderful spirit. So why did it happen? And yea, I know they say God only takes the best from us before we want to let them go. But then, when I felt I had adjusted to this information, I let it go. I'm just blessed to have known her at all, to know she has touched my life. It's hard to let pain go, especially when it's a death, but you can't drown in it.
Just recently too, and just as many have felt before me I felt what it's like to feel heart break. After about 5 days of solid crying, I let it go. I knew just sitting there being mopey wasn't going to make things better. And yea, I talked to him every day. People questioned me, telling me I shouldn't do this, or shouldn't do that, or they couldn't believe we were even talking. "After what he did to you..." But no one seemed to get; I forgave him. I knew in my heart that this pain wasn't for forever and that if I even wanted to move on, I needed to forgive him. It was hard, but I just started...healing. I was feeling again. I felt like it was ok to be happy again. And I was, I am. My point isn't for you to feel bad for me, or to spread my life all over the internet (yes even though I'm blogging, it is possible to have a private life) my point is for you to grasp a concept to help you in your life. Just as you believe the world is crumbling, that you'll never catch your breath, you can. Don't drag the emotional weight of 2010 into 2011. They don't call it a new year for you act the same old way.

I looked down into the comments on that video and found this quote:
"You might be upset and sure you have a reason to be, but how many reasons do you have to be happy? A lot more."

Remember: Don't ever lose sight of what makes you happy. Don't feel like these people are always going to haunt you. They're just one reason of hurt in a million reasons of happy.

So to all my lovely readers; or just me talking to myself, have a wonderful, happy New Year and may 2011 bring you whatever it is you've been needing.
R.I.P Kelli

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

words by any other name would be another word

So I hijacked ol' Billy Shaskepeare's words...kind of. But that's the thing.
Words. They're amazing, incredible...just...ah!!

Words can inspire, create envy or love or passion, jealousy. Words paint pictures of beauty, pulling on your brain's neurons, triggering your senses.

Words can hurt, can crush. They can heal and save. Words can flow through us and make us chatter endlessly. Or they can suddenly stop; can't find the right word or have too many words to say at once.

That's the thing. We have so many words to say the same thing: I'm happy, I'm joyous, I'm tired, I'm sleepy, I'm angry, I'm mad. No one will say anything to same way ro ever write anything the same way. My comm teacher would tell us that there is nothing original left out there, nothing for anyone to newly create, just the same story line with a little flourish. But I beg to differ. Sure it can be boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love etc, but that doesn't mean you've ever read my story.

Words are just stunning. It's funny to think that we can talk endlessly about our days, about class or work. But when the words matter, we spend hours, days on making them sound right. The minute we know they may become slightly memorable, words are suddenly worth something.

It's odd...not to long ago I received this awful comment on my facebook. None of which I believe is true, but they were awful things about me. It reduced me to tears made me reconsider myself.

"Dear Laura,
This is what i would tell you if you were to die tomorrow.
Most of your friends hate you.
And the only reason you have a boyfriend is because you have him whipped. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't be dating you.
Your friends put up this act because if you actually knew they hated you, you would probably be terminally depressed.
A) You're extremely loud and annoying. You may think "it's just who i am" but actually, you think you're SO AWESOME WHEN YOU SAY STUFF REALLY LOUD, actually its fucking annoying.
B) You think you're the shit. NEWSFLASH: YOU'RE NOT! Actually you're far from it. You probably have no idea that ATLEAST 10 people have a countdown to graduation because that means they never have to deal with you again.
C) You're a bitch and extremely bossy.
D) You cry ALL THE FUCKING time for attention.
E is for Emily because she is NOTHING like you (except maybe D) But most people like her a hell of a lot more than you, which is probably why she's had more boyfriends.

One of your best friends."

it's hard to believe anyone would ever use those words...I see and read and say these words always yet in that combination they broke me down. reduced me into a puddle of self-loathing.
Then, my friends and family to the rescue. Simple phrases like: "Laura, you know that's not true! Don't believe what they say! you're a wonderful person." inched me back into happiness.

Words can create love and passion, inspiration. Yet words can cause pain and hurt, destroy people into nothing. Words can make us fall in love or make us hurt ourselves.

Words truly are astonishing.

Monday, September 27, 2010


I have no idea what to write today. :) But I realized I haven't written in a while. So I thought I'd update with...something. Hmmm... how about...I do...my favorites? Yea? Well...favorites and guilty pleasures. :)

ok. Here we go!

Music: favorite band: Paramore. If you've never heard of Paramore, get off my blog and go listen, then you may come back and read. ahaha. Just kidding. :) Though you really should go listen. And go to any concert you get the chance to go to. Hayley Williams is one of my all time favorite people; her voice is just so amazing!
Other then that, I love pretty much all kinds of music. :)

Books: Oh my good golly gosh, I love books! I can't even pick a favorite. :) Though I have to send my love out to Harry Potter. I am such an HP nerd! I am so glad I have a season pass to Harry Potter World. :) It's the best! (yes, nerd. Twilight can suck it.)

TV: Big Bang Theory. also a nerdy goody. :) And a crime show. And a guilty pleasure
: ghost shows. Even though my over active imagination tends to go crazy with those shows. :)

Clothes: uhmm....I have no idea. I'm just thinking of random subjects. I love dresses and skirts and skinny jeans. Just like everyone else. lol.

Shoes: My converse, black and silver flats, and my black sandals. Oh! And my black patent leather pumps. :)


Movies: Too many. :)

School Subject: psychology. It's awesome and so is my professor.

Guilty Pleasures: chocolate covered strawberries and pretzels, knitting, smoothies, ghost shows, youtube, make-up and sweet tea. :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dear Uterus,

What have I done to you? Seriously. It's not like I've ever stabbed you...yes i know my seat belt sits low, but I'm not the one driving,so when the brakes slam, you're not the only thing crushed.
And another thing...don't get angry at me because I don't give you a baby! That's way inappropriate! I'm 18 for crying out loud! I don't need a baby...maybe I should just get you removed.
Until I actually want babies.
I blame you, oh uterus, for so many things...cramps. Oh cramps...why...why oh why oh why?! You put yourself and me through that? You don't need to! It's terrible...
And don't think you're getting out of this hormones: thanks for making me cry too much, and break out, and want way too much chocolate...You and the cramps and the dumb chocolate...though...the chocolate helps with the cramps...but not the breaking out. Grr all of you...

oh, damn you uterus...
